Common Dieting Myths that Make You Gain Weight


You may be inclined to follow strict diet disciplines based on stories you’ve heard from other people. Your desperation to get rid of those excessive kilos often clouds your better judgement. Ironically many diet myths are actually just old wives’ tales with little foundation in fact. Blindly following these dietary myths without proper research can actually cause you to gain weight instead of losing weight. Here are some of these myths:

Carbs Make You Fat

Carbs have gained quite the bad rep. It is widely believed that eliminating carbs will magically lead to weight loss. What you need to keep in mind is that no food is bad for you, as long as you take it in moderation. If you eat huge quantities of carbohydrates, you will definitely gain weight. But the same may be said of any food category you consume. In fact, if eaten moderately, carbs can actually contribute to your overall health. Research shows that many carbs contain rich amounts of dietary fibre, which helps in preventing weight gain. They are also beneficial in controlling cholesterol levels, improving your mood, and sharpening your memory. So make sure you include carbs in your daily food intake!

Don’t Eat After 8 pm

After Dr Oz made this recommendation, many people began religiously following his advice. However, it is what you eat that’s important, not when you eat it. If you’re consuming fat-rich foods all day but stop after 8 pm, it won’t prevent you from putting on weight. If you exceed your recommended daily calorie intake, it will all be stored in your body as fat unless you burn it with exercise. The fact that you’re not eating anything after 8 pm is not going to help.

Eating from Smaller Plates Will Help Me Limit How Much I Eat

Buffet of Various Foods

Many dieticians recommend eating from small plates as this makes the portions look larger, giving the impression that you’re consuming a regular meal. However, studies have revealed that plate size has no impact whatsoever on calorie intake. Eating in a smaller plate won’t make any difference to your weight if you pile your plate with food or take second helpings. The small plate theory goes out of the window.

A Big Breakfast Will Help Limit How Much I Eat During the Day

Another common myth with little fact behind it! While it’s true that skipping breakfast altogether is a bad idea, it doesn’t mean eating a king’s breakfast will help matters. In fact, eating a grand breakfast will not prevent you from feeling hungry later in the day. Even worse, huge breakfasts can actually pile up the calories!

If I Eat Low-Fat Food I Will Lose Calories Faster

A point to keep in mind is that low-fat food doesn’t necessarily mean it is low in caloric content. This is because these foods, while low in fat, may be rich in other calorie-enhancing nutrients, like starch, sugar, and proteins. In fact, eating such foods may actually make you gain weight.

I Can Eat as Much as I Want as Long as I Exercise


Unfortunately, regular exercise won’t help you much if you’re supplementing it with an imbalanced diet. Spending long hours on the treadmill will be of little use if you’re indulging in a fast food-rich regimen at the same time. To maintain a healthy weight, you need to eat smart and exercise smart.

Eating Lots of Small Meals is Better than a Few Large Meals

This myth does have its merits. Each time you eat, your metabolism kicks in as your body begins to process the food. This means multiple mini-meals will enhance your metabolic levels, which helps in burning calories. However, there’s a very small caloric difference between a few large meals and many smaller ones. Which means mini-meals won’t make any significant, overall difference in your weight. The best way to lose weight is to do your research and find the right diet for you. Then, engage in regular exercise. If needed, consult a dietician or your doctor and contact a physical trainer to help reduce and firm your waistline.

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