Don’t Let LIFE Go By… Let’s Volunteer

Seniors volunteering

Have You Ever Considered Volunteering?

Most people have volunteered at some point – school canteen or school fete, the local church, or your children’s sporting club. It is that sense of belonging to a team or club, the feeling of making a difference, supporting your children’s community, that makes it all worthwhile. It is grounding, fulfilling, and gives you a sense of purpose.

The beauty of volunteering is that feeling of self-gratification. The feeling of helping others, making a difference, and even changing somebody’s life works wonders for the soul. It makes you happier and healthier.

Where Can You Volunteer?

  • Love sailing? Volunteer at the local sailing club.
  • New to an area? Become a volunteer community driver. You will get to see the local area and get a feel for places to go and see. You are helping people who truly need you. People who can’t drive and need to get to their medical appointments, or need to visit the shops, or can’t wait to see their friends on the social outing.
  • Why not try event volunteering? It is perfect for the social butterfly who loves being around people but not locked into a permanent position. You have more flexibility and are still helping out, meeting people, and truly making a difference.
  • Love the outdoors and gardening? Why not volunteer as a community gardener?
  • A very popular sector of volunteering is within multicultural communities. Here you will find your cultural fit and be able to offer your experience in a variety of ways, including translating, social outings, teaching English, and more.

The need for supporting one another and being there for each other is important. Within the aged care community sadly, there are many people who are suffering from loneliness and isolation. The Government initiative the ‘Community Visitor Scheme’ was created to reduce loneliness and isolation, by providing companionship to the elderly for one hour a week. Social interaction and engagement is life-changing for many and is a wonderful volunteer experience.

So, now there is no reason why you can’t keep yourself active, social, and truly make a difference. If you are not sure where to go head to and you can choose from hundreds of volunteer positions.

Courtesy Volunteer Services Australia

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