Leave A Legacy & Create Social Change

Family smiling at each other

Australians are very caring people and give generously during their lifetime to their favourite charities. But many have not considered continuing that support by also including a gift in their Wills as a longer-lasting legacy.

As the CEO of a Freehold Independent Living Retirement Community, I am dealing with the financial problems faced by the elderly and retirees every day. It is heartbreaking when people say things like … ‘mum and dad just can’t afford to get into an independent living community that they really want’ or ‘we didn’t plan for our future independent living home by selling the family home at the right time… and now we are stuck.’ Being ‘stuck’ in your own home can be a recipe for loneliness and despair in what were supposed to be your golden years. Some time ago, I set about trying to resolve this problem and developed a new independent living model, based on freehold homes, so that people would not get stuck financially when it came to finding the right independent retirement community to live in.

Charities Working Together

Together, they are working to do what no single charity can achieve on its own: change the way Australians think about including charities in their Will. They are leaving a legacy that will keep helping their favourite causes long after they themselves cannot.

According to Helen Merrick, Include A Charity Director, “We’re delighted there’s a trend towards a consideration of gifts in Wills.”

“However, not everyone knows this is an option, or they think they have to be wealthy to do this. But all charitable gifts, large or small, make a difference.”

“This is a great option to consider that has a huge benefit to the community and allows people to leave their mark on the world.”

Wanting to Give Back

Gabriel Farago is leaving a gift in his Will to the Garvan Institute of Medical Research

Gabriel Farago, a Sydney writer, agrees. “I wanted to give back to a country and city that was incredibly welcoming to me,” he says of his charitable gift to the Garvan Institute of Medical Research. Gabriel came to Australia from Austria as a teenager and later became a criminal barrister and author of thrillers. When he retired, he and his wife Joan, gave considerable thought about what to do with the assets accumulated after a 35-year career in the law. They both agreed that leaving their lifetime’s efforts to an important charity was a great idea.

“What could possibly be more important than supporting cutting-edge medical research which will benefit generations to come?”

In fact, Gabriel likes his chosen cause so much, he has even written two medical thrillers, The Hidden Genes of Professor K, and Professor K. The Final Quest, which are dedicated to the Garvan Institute.

Have YOU written your will? Consider Including a Charity and leave a gift through which you can keep changing the world for years into the future.

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