Stock image of toy plane on drawing of world map

Looking Forward to Travelling After Corona

While, at the moment, tourism and adventure travel may not be possible, we can still do some of the fun things related to travel, and look forward to brighter travel times ahead.

“Staying home is the new normal,” these days with most of us staying at home and protecting ourselves and the community from the coronavirus pandemic.

Plan for a Brighter Travel Future

While we try to stay safe by staying indoors, we can still plan our next holiday, can’t we? In today’s world, everyone loves to travel and we often make plans for domestic and international trips with our partners, children, friends and family – and we can still do this.

Plan for the Bucket List

Make your bucket lists. Plan with your partner or travel buddies where you would like to go.

Plan your future trips by shortlisting your place of interest, reading about it, learning about the culture, food and maybe even learn the language or dialect spoken in a particular city or country you want to visit.

The world will come out of lockdown and restrictions will be lifted and we will all be free to move about and explore this beautiful world of ours. With each country taking its precautions, travelling to international destinations may take a while to materialise but, most likely, domestic travel will normalise sooner.

How we will be Travelling Change in a Post-COVID-19 World

In the post-COVID-19 world, the way we perceive travel is definitely going to change. Where earlier we would almost take travel for granted, we will now appreciate travel very much more.

Visiting a place in the post-coronavirus world as tourists, we will be more open to appreciating people and humanity in general – something we rarely did earlier. Having spent weeks, perhaps months away from people in general we will appreciate and enjoy meeting people while we travel, fare more than we did before.

Since we are more likely to travel within Australia in the next few months to a year, we will also enjoy what our country has to offer and help in building our nation’s economy.

Senior couple on hike rest in field with horse

The pandemic is also bound to change the views and level of hospitality of those in the travel industry as they will be even more welcoming to host travellers and tourists. The pandemic has brought the whole world together at a human level through this shared experience that affects us all.

We are bound to view travel quite differently when it is all over – whether we travel to faraway communities within the country, or to faraway countries, we will somehow already have a stronger human bond and understanding of the people, which will go much deeper than anything we have been used to in the past. We will appreciate and enjoy all our memories.

There is only one way to look at the present situation – This too shall pass, and good times are going to be here soon. We will all enjoy travel like never before with our changed perspectives, outlooks and ironically deeper bonds with our hosts.

Though it may seem strange to be planning your next vacation while in isolation, there is only joy in thinking about that great first trip after COVID-19 is well behind us all!

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