Unique Ways to Volunteer

There are many ways to volunteer and each of us can usually help others in some capacity. But with thousands of causes out there, it can be tough to determine where you want to dedicate your time. Here are some unique ways you can volunteer that you may not have considered.

Dog Walking

Everyone loves dogs, so it only makes sense to volunteer your time to some loveable pooches. Visit the local dog park or chat with your neighbours and ask if you can treat their furry friend to an extra walk or two during the week. They might be busy with work or family and appreciate the break. The dogs need exercise, and you get to be outside!

Hospital Patient Companion

No one likes being in the hospital, and it’s a feeling made worse for patients who are alone. Thankfully, you can help bring a little comfort.

The idea is simple: Hospitals want to help people feel less alone by providing them with a friendly face who can sit with them and talk. After all, everyone should know there’s someone there who cares about them

Read to Kids

Another unique way to volunteer is by reading to little kids. This can be done at your local library or school and is a great way for you to help kids with their reading skills. If your grandchildren are still in school, it is also a great way to further bond with them and play a larger role in their education. Note, you might need to undergo a background check or obtain certain permission.

Donate to Shelters

Those living on the streets or leaving a domestic violence situation, are forced to go without necessities. Consider knitting gloves, socks, and beanies for those having to sleep rough during the colder months. You could also collect toiletry items for men, women, and children, as that is something no one should have to go without.


Everyone has a worldview, and one way to show your allegiance to a party or cause is by volunteering your time. Stretch your legs and enjoy the beautiful weather outside while gaining signatures for a petition. Help make banners and hand out fliers, or even man the phones at the offices.

Environmental Beautification

This can be done in many ways, depending on where you live. For example, you could grab a garbage bag and pick up litter at a park or beach, remove graffiti from signs and buildings, or even show your love for gardening by planting trees or flowers, and so on.

These are just a few of the more unusual ways to volunteer your time and effort. So, what are you waiting for?

Australian Over 50s Living & Lifestyle Guide

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